
Showing posts from November, 2017

I Feel Gross

     Looking back at pictures from last summer, I realize how much weight I have put on and it has to change. I have been eating out a lot recently since I have a new boyfriend and I feel gross. My stomach constantly feels bloated, my clothes are tighter, and I have no motivation to work out. It is hard for me because deep down in my mind I want to make the right choice but he isn't as self conscious or health conscious as I am so I always give in to fast food or eating our at places like Applebees or Mexican restaurants. The food tastes great but I don't look or feel great. My current weight is the highest I have ever been in my life. I try to explain to my boyfriend how I feel but it seems like he doesn't care since he doesn't have the self esteem issues that I have. He always says he will change and workout and eat healthy but it only lasts for one meal then he is back to eating bad foods. It is so hard being in a relationship with someone who isn't motivated to