
Showing posts from August, 2018

Everything in Life is A Choice

     Letting my eating get out of control and almost reaching 200lbs was a choice. Eating foods that other people were eating around me when I knew I shouldn't be eating it was a choice. I have been noticing things that I've never experienced before like my knees hurting when I walk too much or being winded after climbing three flights of stairs at work. My bras and jeans don't fit at all. You could call this the summer of dresses because that is literally all that fits me. I used to be healthy. I used to care what I ate and I loved fueling my body with tasty, healthy foods. It is time to get back to that. Lately I've been going to the gym at least three times a week. It is a lot of cardio but once I start slimming down I want to start weight training and lifting. Next summer I don't want to be ashamed to wear a bathing suit or feel like everyone is staring at my thighs when I wear shorts.I want to be able to wear whatever the hell I want without worrying if my back