
Showing posts from 2024

2024 Goals

 Welcome to 2024. I hope you all had a good start to the new year. I wrote down my goals for the year so hopefully they will be accomplished. My goals are listed below:  1. No ubereats/doordash. Not only will I save money, but I will also decrease my calories. 2. Yoga twice a week. I also want to incorporate meditation as well.  3. 15 minute mile. I'm going to track my time in a notebook and work on jogging/running a 15 minute mile. 4. Less screen time. I spend hours on tiktok and scrolling on facebook when I could be getting things done around the house or even working out. 5.Organizing and decluttering. I'm giving away items I no longer want or use. It just takes up space. 6. I'm not buying lotions, skincare, or candles. I have PLENTY. I'm going to use what I have and buy new when needed. If products are old or expired, of course they're getting tossed. 7. Volunteer at the animal shelter. Back in November I began volunteering at a local animal shelter so they coul