
Showing posts from November, 2012

Planning Ahead

      I haven't written in a while. Mostly because I have been trying to find other FREE blogging sites where I can still earn some extra money for college. I really like this website because the layout is so simple. It sucks they are taking away the ads. Even though I'm only earning a couple cents each month from my blog, it's better than nothing. Plus I love writing for my readers.      The other day I went ahead and decided to plan out the rest of my semesters for community college since I will continue working full time. I will be taking these pre-req courses until 2014. But I'm glad I planned ahead because I'm not stressing over which classes to pick when the time comes. I saved my Anatomy & Physiology classes for last because they are the hardest. The Spring 2013 semester starts in January so I will be taking English 112 and Psy 201. I'm very excited.      It's so weird that I get excited to learn at college because high school was a completely d