Planning Ahead

      I haven't written in a while. Mostly because I have been trying to find other FREE blogging sites where I can still earn some extra money for college. I really like this website because the layout is so simple. It sucks they are taking away the ads. Even though I'm only earning a couple cents each month from my blog, it's better than nothing. Plus I love writing for my readers.
     The other day I went ahead and decided to plan out the rest of my semesters for community college since I will continue working full time. I will be taking these pre-req courses until 2014. But I'm glad I planned ahead because I'm not stressing over which classes to pick when the time comes. I saved my Anatomy & Physiology classes for last because they are the hardest. The Spring 2013 semester starts in January so I will be taking English 112 and Psy 201. I'm very excited.
     It's so weird that I get excited to learn at college because high school was a completely different story. I like going to community college because all you have to do is show up. You choose whether to pass or fail. My priorities are to pass, of course, mainly because I'm paying out of pocket for EVERYTHING! Everything meaning my textbooks, credit hours, and other supplies. The government nor my parents are giving me anything. But I like it because I know I am financially capable of doing all of this on my own.


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