
Showing posts from May, 2021


      Since my previous relationship ended several months ago I decided to get on a dating site and see what guys had to offer. It is sad to know that the majority of them only want to hook up and go on to the next. I have always been the type of person to be in a relationship with one person and I have always been faithful and devoted to only them. Times have definitely changed and I don't expect to be in a relationship any time soon. There were what seemed like some decent guys in my messages on this dating app so I decided to give them a chance. One guy we met for dinner, the other two we met at dive bars so the alcohol would help calm us down a little. I felt like we hit off. We had good conversation, listened to good music, and so on. We even ended up at my house watching a movie on Netflix. After the hang out sessions, dates, whatever you want to call it, I am shocked to find that they ghosted me.       The craziest thing about being ghosted by these "decent" dudes