
Showing posts from 2022

My Duties As A SAHG (Stay At Home Girlfriend)

      Back in June of this year I left one of the most toxic places I have ever worked at. There were so many things going on that I will just leave it at that. If you would like more details, check out my YouTube channel  here.  I thought it would be a good time to give nursing a break and take a different career path. I applied at an auto insurance company and started about 4 weeks ago but ended up leaving. Sitting all ay, wearing a headset, and having more than 2 meetings to attend per day is not my cup of tea. I gave a two week notice and have been a stay at home girlfriend since. In the last two weeks I've sent out over 20 applications. One place called me for an interview and they never followed up after I met. An animal shelter offered me a position as well but unfortunately, $11 per hour will not pay my mortgage.  My boyfriend works very hard. He is a bodyman at an auto shop and he repairs some of the most wrecked cars I've ever seen. IT is only fair to him that I make