My Duties As A SAHG (Stay At Home Girlfriend)

      Back in June of this year I left one of the most toxic places I have ever worked at. There were so many things going on that I will just leave it at that. If you would like more details, check out my YouTube channel here. I thought it would be a good time to give nursing a break and take a different career path. I applied at an auto insurance company and started about 4 weeks ago but ended up leaving. Sitting all ay, wearing a headset, and having more than 2 meetings to attend per day is not my cup of tea. I gave a two week notice and have been a stay at home girlfriend since. In the last two weeks I've sent out over 20 applications. One place called me for an interview and they never followed up after I met. An animal shelter offered me a position as well but unfortunately, $11 per hour will not pay my mortgage.  My boyfriend works very hard. He is a bodyman at an auto shop and he repairs some of the most wrecked cars I've ever seen. IT is only fair to him that I make sure the house is tidy, his laundry is done, and his meals are cooked. I'm going to break down a list of what I do now that I'm at home. 

  1. Cleaning the house: I make sure the floors are vacuumed, the dishes are done and put away, bathrooms are stocked with toilet paper and there are fresh towels, rags, and soap.
  2. Take the trash out: This one is self explanatory.
  3. Mow the lawn: I mow, weed eat, blow the driveway and sidewalk. If the flowerbeds and flower pots need weeding, I will do that as well.
  4. Grocery Shopping: I plan our meals out and make sure he has plenty of snacks for work. 
  5. Laundry: He gets very sweaty working in this heat inside his auto bays so I usually do laundry once or twice a week depending on how many shirts and shorts he goes through.
  6. Bills are paid: I make sure the bills are paid on time. Even though I left my job and funds are SUPER tight, I do have some money that my father left me as a safety net in case. 
  7. General Errands: If we need anything from Wal-Mart or other stores I go ahead and get that done.
     This has been a change for me since I'm so used to working full time and cramming everything in during the week before or after work. It is nice having all day to accomplish things that make it easier for us to spend actual time together when he gets off from work. I cannot wait to get another job and have income to contribute to the household, but until then I will contribute by getting household chores done. 


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