
Showing posts from February, 2017

Bring on the Heartbreak

     It is amazing how life can change in the blink of an eye. My boyfriend and I have been together for two years and some change and Friday/this weekend, he dropped a huge bomb on me. I knew going into this relationship the question of whether he would move back home to his parents when he got out of the military would arise, but I never thought I would be right about his ultimate decision. A few months prior to this event, he told me he was hoping to find a job here so that we could stay together which I was happy to hear. I love him and my family loves him and it would break my heart if he left me. But my intuition was telling me that he would end up going home since he hasn't been home in 5 years with his family since joining. This weekend, that intuition reared its ugly head and my boyfriend didn't come home to me like always. He sent me a message saying he needed to think about his life and he needed time to himself to think. I didn't hear from him all day while I wa

Is This the Year of Constantly Starting Over?

     In January I wanted to restart my weight loss journey and be 150lbs by the end of the month. Here it is February 16 and I still weight just as much as I did when I started. Why can't I commit like I did last year? I think it is mainly due to the fact that by the time I get off work, fight traffic on the way home, and sit down once I'm inside, exhaustion hits me like a brick and eating out is just easy. The only weight loss type of goal/resolution I have been faithful with is not having any soda. I'm still 97 days strong. I need to find motivation and just make myself work out and make healthier choices. Losing weight is extremely difficult, especially when you lost it all once, see how you have changed (physically, not for the better) and know summer will be here before you know it. I have started my diet over literally like 5 times since the beginning of January. It's ridiculous. It seems like every week I say I'll start over tomorrow or I'll get serious o

What I've Learned As An LPN (So Far)

     I'm only five months into my nursing career and I have learned so much! Every day I learn something new at my job and I love it. The hard work during and after nursing school is totally worth it!

OB/Gyn LPN Job Description

     Hey guys! I decided to make a video entailing what a typical day at work is like for me. I love my job and I am so grateful to be able to help women take care of themselves!