
Showing posts from December, 2018

Two Week Notice

     As I write this blog entry, I realize that this is my last week here at my job that I once loved. Last month right before Thanksgiving I was suspended from work for a week without pay due to a co-worker reporting to the HR department that I was sleeping or appeared to be sleeping at my desk. They suspended me before even getting my side of the story or even investigating the incident, which was never true to begin with. There were multiple witnesses who stated that I was never sleeping but that is over and done with. It seemed like ever since that incident occurred that I was getting picked on more and more at work for things, some of which I wasn't even involved in. So with the stress adding up from the first incident to staff messages regarding things I had no idea about or no control over, I put in my two week notice.      At first I was sad that I was giving my notice but when I went to my manager, she grabbed the piece of paper and just said "okay, thank you" l

I Feel Like A Princess

     It is amazing to me that after all of the ups and downs life has thrown at me, I have finally found an amazing man who treats me like a princess but also knows when to let me do things on my own. This amazing relationship stemmed from a bet on a UFC fight and I am so grateful that it happened. I normally don't go out or watch too many UFC fights at bars or pubs but my best friend talked me into going and I'm glad she did. He loves me for me and he is the best cuddle bug ever. He has helped me experience so many new things that I've never done before like driving a manual (finally!), and eating raw tuna, which to my surprise is really tasty. We get each other. We understand each others sense of humor and we can be ourselves. It is still new but I have no doubt that we will be making memories and making each other happy for a long time. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason and I feel like we entered each others lives for a purpose. Life has also ha