Two Week Notice

     As I write this blog entry, I realize that this is my last week here at my job that I once loved. Last month right before Thanksgiving I was suspended from work for a week without pay due to a co-worker reporting to the HR department that I was sleeping or appeared to be sleeping at my desk. They suspended me before even getting my side of the story or even investigating the incident, which was never true to begin with. There were multiple witnesses who stated that I was never sleeping but that is over and done with. It seemed like ever since that incident occurred that I was getting picked on more and more at work for things, some of which I wasn't even involved in. So with the stress adding up from the first incident to staff messages regarding things I had no idea about or no control over, I put in my two week notice.
     At first I was sad that I was giving my notice but when I went to my manager, she grabbed the piece of paper and just said "okay, thank you" like it didn't even matter they would be short a nurse or as if they were expecting me to quit. My mental health is more important that anything and I refuse to work in an environment where I do not feel welcome or appreciated. I have no job lined up. I am literally jobless after Friday and actually get to refocus on myself and find out where I want to go from here. I've been questioning if I want to keep nursing or try and find another career that I may love just as much if not more. I am mostly excited to give myself a mental break and focus on losing the 50 plus pounds I've gained this year since all of these crazy life events have happened. I'm excited to rediscover who I am and finally make myself happy.


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