
Showing posts from April, 2019

Where is the Motivation?

     I am really struggling trying to get healthy. I went so long not eating fast food and now that I have been eating it for so long it is almost like an addiction. I will go a day or two without it and then relapse. I look back at my old instagram pictures from when I was working out and it makes me sad. It frustrates me that I used to be so healthy and now I am a wreck. I don't want to be this way. I have been making better choices food wise. I am not working out like I should so I'm trying to start slow. Three days a week minimum and build up from there. Cardio will be my focus for now until I drop some pounds then I will focus on muscle groups and toning again. I can do this I just need to find the mindset I had back then.

Welcome Home!

     Wednesday evening I put in an offer for a great starter home and I go it! My closing date is on May 29 and I am so excited. I feel so many emotions since this is the biggest purchase of my life. I am nervous, excited, anxious, and preparing for this new adventure of adulthood. I really wish my father was here to see how hard I have worked to raise my credit and pay off debt to make this possible. I know he would be proud. My plan now is to de-clutter and clean things out so when it is moving time, I don't have a bunch of items I don't need. I still cannot believe this is a reality! I'm moving into a new home to start a new beginning and make new memories.

And we wait.....

     I cannot believe I may be making the biggest purchase of my life! I looked at a few homes yesterday and may have found the one. It is a cute starter home with a decent sized yard. 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms which is plenty. The master bedroom downstairs is huge. When the realtor talks all of the numbers and percentages I kind of feel nervous because I don't know what all of it means. Thank goodness my boyfriend works in the biz and helps dummy down the terms for me. I should be finding out sometime today if they accepted my offer. I qualified for a lot more than I thought I would and this home is under budget but has everything I need. Wish me luck!