Elimination time

In order to help me completely delete fast food from my life, I have "un-friended" or "un-liked" every fast food chain from my Facebook page. Keeping them on there wouldn't have helped because they offer coupons and remind of you of buy 2 get 1 free or 2 for $2 sales. I'm glad I deleted them and I recommend others trying to eliminate it to do so as well. I don't even think about fast food anymore unless someone mentions it. Since the beginning of the year, I have to say that as far as I have come, I'm very proud of myself. I've finally realized that losing weight for me will take baby steps and some time, but I have already completed the biggest step which was quitting fast food and soda completely. I feel better about myself and I hope to work out more than I do now. Summer is right around the corner and I am no where near my goal. I just wish some things were easier.


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