
Showing posts from June, 2012

5 pounds down!

I finally reached my first weight loss goal that I made for myself. I lost 5 pounds, so this means at some point this weekend, my belly button will be pierced! I'm so glad to have finally achieved this goal. There was one point where I would lose 3 pounds and gain them back. I think I'm finally at the point in my new lifestyle where the weight I work off will stay off. Small changes to your daily eating habits really make a HUGE difference. The biggest thing that has helped me keep going and wanting to reach more weight loss is the support from everyone. My mom is my biggest supporter along with my Tumblr family. I am so happy to see these small results! I can't wait to lose more. 5 down, 25 more to go :)

I love making more weight loss progress!!

The shorts I'm wearing today actually fit comfortably instead of digging into my muffin top and leaving lines on my thighs after sitting. Also this morning when I weighed in, I lost another pound!! Only one more pound to go until I get my belly button pierced (my weight loss gift to myself). My total weight loss so far is 4 pounds and I seem to be keeping it off. I made a list of things I'm going to buy at Walmart tonight. Watermelon is the very first thing! That is definitely my favorite summer fruit. Plus I love cucumbers too so they are on my list as well. I have some new followers on my Tumblr and it is great because we are a support system for one another. I like having positive minded people around me that tell me they are proud of my new life style changes.

What I've realized since I started eating healthier and exercising

The first thing I've noticed since I've changed my eating habits is that I actually care about what is in the foods my peers and I eat. If I'm with someone and they pick up a food item that I know has tons of empty calories or a lot of sugars etc, I say something. I don't hesitate to call someone out on their poor food choices. I do not do this to be mean, I just say it because I think it is important for them to know what they are actually eating. I've said this before, but I feel so much better not eating any crap food (fast food). I feel like my body on the inside thanks me for not eating that garbage and not harming my organs and gaining more body fat. Water has been more proficient in my life as well.  The most important thing that I have noticed is that I try to educate and inspire others who are overweight or obese to get fit/healthy too! I try to encourage them to make small changes to their diets and take baby steps. If they eat fast food 5 days a week, I t

Weight Loss Vlog #2

Here is my newest weight loss vlog. I made it last night and had to upload it at work this morning since my internet at home sucks. Enjoy :)

Weight Loss Vlog #1

Since my Locks of Love journey is over (Big thank you to everyone who followed me through it) I thought I would share my weight loss journey with you guys as well :)

Weight loss update

My weight is still fluctuating. I will lose 4 pounds and then gain them back. This week I'm going to ride my elliptical for at 20 minutes Monday-Thursday since I go to my dads house on weekends. I am going to avoid stepping on the scale for a while. On the inside I still feel great because I still haven't been drinking soda or eating fast food. My main thing is keeping up with exercising. I have noticed that my shorts fit a little looser and my shirts aren't as tight as usual. This will be a long process. My mom did the same thing a few years ago and she says the first year is the hardest. I wish losing weight was just as easy as putting it on.

Locks of Love video is finally up!

Here is my Locks of Love video! I feel so good about donating my hair and I will definitely be doing it again someday!!