What I've realized since I started eating healthier and exercising

The first thing I've noticed since I've changed my eating habits is that I actually care about what is in the foods my peers and I eat. If I'm with someone and they pick up a food item that I know has tons of empty calories or a lot of sugars etc, I say something. I don't hesitate to call someone out on their poor food choices. I do not do this to be mean, I just say it because I think it is important for them to know what they are actually eating. I've said this before, but I feel so much better not eating any crap food (fast food). I feel like my body on the inside thanks me for not eating that garbage and not harming my organs and gaining more body fat. Water has been more proficient in my life as well.  The most important thing that I have noticed is that I try to educate and inspire others who are overweight or obese to get fit/healthy too! I try to encourage them to make small changes to their diets and take baby steps. If they eat fast food 5 days a week, I try to talk them into at least cutting out 1 day or 2. The small changes people make will make all the difference and it will build the path for them to eventually quit bad eating habits for good. Soda, as I have been reading up on, is one of the biggest downfalls to diets and eating healthier. It is pretty much just sugar water that is brown with tons of empty calories that someone doesn't need. So the first thing I tell others who are trying to be more healthy is to quit soda PERIOD. Including diet.Since I have started making exercise more of a priority instead of an option, I feel stronger and more fit. Even though I only ride my elliptical for 45-60 minutes minimum and do some stretches and stuff, it is way better than just laying down or sitting on the couch like I used to do.  Last but not least, I have noticed that my motivation to actually lose this weight is as high as it has ever been. I've tried doing this before but I have never actually kept track of my calories and exercise and I never took before pictures or made videos of myself so that I could see my progress. I'm actually very excited and determined to do this and nothing will stop me. I'm tired of being overweight and I want to prove to myself, and most importantly all of the jerks who have called me a cow, whale or anything else hurtful, that I can do this and your choice of words will NEVER hold me back from reaching my weight loss goal.


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