First Clinical

     Last night was great. We took a tour of the wing that we would be doing our clinical in. We met tons of clients and we even jumped right in with helping the nurse aides complete tasks. Everyone in class was divided up and partnered with a different nurse aide to shadow. I helped with two peri cares, made a bed, and helped a lady move into her new room with a roommate. She was very nice. I think everyone there was nice. It made me kind of nervous at first but after the first half hour I got more comfortable and I was ready to do work. It was nice being able to watch and apply skills we had learned previously before coming to clinical. One thing I did learn fairly quickly was how demanding older people are. When they want their ice cream, they want it. If they ask for an extra pillow or blanket, get it or else you will see a side of them you don't want to see.
     I know I talk about this program a lot but I can't help it. I'm so proud to be doing this and I'm proud of everyone in my class. We worked hard to make it to this portion of the program. We deserve to brag since we are actually doing something with our lives. And another plus to attending this program is that I get to help my grandma. The other day when I went to visit her, I transferred her from her bed to wheelchair all by myself. She isn't the smallest person ever so I felt awesome once I had done that. Even though last night was our first night at clinical, I still feel like this is where I'm supposed to be. We do nothing but help the people in this facility and I wouldn't want to spend my time doing anything but that. For once, I think I'm content with my life and where I'm at.


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