
Showing posts from November, 2013

Conflicting Schedules

     This morning at work I began working on my 8 page research paper for child psychology. While trying to work on my paper I still had to do my job. Answering the phones, talking with customers, and telling my boss about my research paper only made me realize this isn't going to work out much longer. The 4 classes I have left to take before applying to RN program are not scheduled during times after my job. And if they are, they run until like 10:30 at night and no one wants to do that unless it is absolutely necessary. The class times are offered during the mornings and days which I work...go figure. And this will only get more complicated because I have to travel to another city about 30 minutes away for the nursing program.      Unfortunaltey, I'm still having no luck finding a full time job as a nurse aide from 3-11 or 11-7. I want something different. And if I work evenings or nights that will allow me to go to class in the morning right when I get off. It works out per

Life Changing Weekend

     This weekend I will be moving out and beginning a new life journey on my own. It is bittersweet because I'm ready to start being even more independent but at the same time, I love my parents and family and it will take some getting used to without them around. For the most part they seem happy for me though. I plan on getting the carpet and paint tomorrow evening and laying it on Saturday after I help my nana. I'm getting more and more excited. I can't wait to come home from work and cook dinner, clean, and be a home body.      One of the biggest reasons I'm excited to finally move in is the travel time/distance I drive every day. My mom lives in a city about 20-25 minutes from my work. I drive to work and back home 4 days a week. Then on weekends I stay at my dads which is in the city I work at so the only driving I do is for shopping or other errands. I can't wait to be able to go HOME. One place. No more packing weekend bags for my dads or buying gas for my

Changes Before a New Year

     A lot of things have happened this year. Some were good and others were bad. But life continues to go on whether we are ready or not. I'm going to be moving out in like a week and I feel ready. I've also been contemplating a new hair style/cut for a while. I've decided to trim my hair but ad purple streaks to it. I'm also debating about getting bangs again. I feel like I'm starting to want to get ready for work and look good instead of rolling out of bed and throwing on jeans and t-shirt. I don't think I'm hideous but I don't think I'm very pretty either. Maybe if I care about my appearance then that will help with my self esteem.      Along with moving out and a new hair cut, I'll be focusing more on myself and my health. My goal for the summer of 2014 is to look good in a bikini. I also want to completely eliminate soda from my diet and work on eating better foods. And of course, my college classes are important too. I'm so close to a

First Holiday

     Thanksgiving and Christmas this year will be the first of many holidays without my Memaw. It's going to be hard. I try to be happy when I see the decorations and sale ads but deep down I'm only worrying about how I will act on these days. This is the first time in my life that my mom and I won't meet there to give her Thanksgiving dinner that we made. We won't meet there Christmas Eve to exchange gifts and watch her open hers. When my Memaw could no longer get out, my mom would buy things for Christmas to my brother and I from  "Memaw" even though my mom would buy it and wrap it. I would open it and say thank you to her and she would say "Oh I got you that? How nice". There will be none of that. I've already apologized and warned my family that I may not be myself during the holidays this year or next, but I'm going to try and be happy because I know that is what my Memaw would want.      The hard part about holiday shopping now is seei