Changes Before a New Year

     A lot of things have happened this year. Some were good and others were bad. But life continues to go on whether we are ready or not. I'm going to be moving out in like a week and I feel ready. I've also been contemplating a new hair style/cut for a while. I've decided to trim my hair but ad purple streaks to it. I'm also debating about getting bangs again. I feel like I'm starting to want to get ready for work and look good instead of rolling out of bed and throwing on jeans and t-shirt. I don't think I'm hideous but I don't think I'm very pretty either. Maybe if I care about my appearance then that will help with my self esteem.
     Along with moving out and a new hair cut, I'll be focusing more on myself and my health. My goal for the summer of 2014 is to look good in a bikini. I also want to completely eliminate soda from my diet and work on eating better foods. And of course, my college classes are important too. I'm so close to applying to the nursing program. I only have 4 classes left! The only thing that would make this year a little bit better or begin the new off right would be getting hired as a nurse aide. I'm still applying but haven't heard anything. Good things come to those who wait. Hopefully a job will come my way sooner rather than later.
     I feel like I don't look at life the same way since my grandma passed. It's like I don't care about things the way I used too. I'm hoping that changing a few things will help me be happy again. I know that she would want me to be happy and continue reaching my goals in life but she was my life. I looked forward to seeing her everyday and caring for her. It's so hard when you realize they are officially gone for ever. I'm more than ready to close the book on this chapter and start fresh. I'm hoping that 2014 will be a happier year.


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