Life Changing Weekend

     This weekend I will be moving out and beginning a new life journey on my own. It is bittersweet because I'm ready to start being even more independent but at the same time, I love my parents and family and it will take some getting used to without them around. For the most part they seem happy for me though. I plan on getting the carpet and paint tomorrow evening and laying it on Saturday after I help my nana. I'm getting more and more excited. I can't wait to come home from work and cook dinner, clean, and be a home body.
     One of the biggest reasons I'm excited to finally move in is the travel time/distance I drive every day. My mom lives in a city about 20-25 minutes from my work. I drive to work and back home 4 days a week. Then on weekends I stay at my dads which is in the city I work at so the only driving I do is for shopping or other errands. I can't wait to be able to go HOME. One place. No more packing weekend bags for my dads or buying gas for my car all the time.
     The only thing that does worry me is my finances. My boyfriend wants to live with me but he has no job so that isn't going to happen. I'm not going to work, pay bills, and go to college while he sits on his ass on my couch. I've been looking for a second part time job just so I will feel more at ease with money. I don't want to be house poor and not able to go out with friends or shop because I literally spent every penny on bills. That is no fun and it is really stressful. So or the most part besides that, I'm ready! I can't wait to begin this chapter in my life :)


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