Debt Roulette

     When I started school full time I knew I would build up debt. Every college student is in debt whether it is hundreds or thousands of dollars, debt is there. I have always stressed about paying my bills and paying things off but now that I have left school and started working both jobs full time again, I actually realize how badly I am in debt.
     It isn't like I'm not trying to pay this debt off because I am. Even if it is only $10 a month. If that is all I can afford, than so be it. That is $10 less in the hole. What I don't get is how these companies I owe keep calling me repeatedly telling me I owe them such and such amount and it is past due. Yea no shit. That is what happens when you try going to school to better yourself and end up broke because your in class all day learning and testing instead of working.
     Don't these companies realize that if I had the money to pay them back like the millions of other Americans in debt did too, that I'd pay them? It is so annoying having these 1-800 numbers constantly calling and leaving automated voicemails. And yes, I do screen my calls now due to this. I feel like no matter how many hours I pick up at my jobs, It is still never enough to relieve this debt issue.
   I have so much debt, that I bought a bin from Dollar General and named it the "Debt Roulette" box. Each paycheck when I have X amount of dollars left over, I reach into the this box and pull out a random bill and send that company X amount of dollars. Yea, that is sad, but hey, if it eventually pays all of these companies back, than that is what I have to do. Now I know how other Americans feel when they struggle between paying on a bill or buying food for the fridge. This sucks and I cannot wait until I can finally say "I paid so-so off". It will be such a relief.


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