I'm Desperate

     When I decided that I wanted to become a nurse, I knew two things: One: It was not going to be cheap and Two: It was going to be hard at times, but well worth it once I was finished. I never realized it would come down to deciding what to spend my last couple of pennies on.
     My first two years at community college I paid out of pocket for my classes because my pell grant I received from FAFSA only gave me about $300 each semester and that would only buy an hour and a half of class or a textbook. So I worked super hard to save enough money to take at least two classes each semester. It worked out well for me that way because I passed all of my classes with As knowing if I didn't, it was a waste of $2000.
     Once I decided to take the fast track LPN program I'm in now, I knew I would have to continue working in order to keep my own place and pay my bills that never seem to end. Luckily my school offered day and evening classes so I could keep my day job and go at night. But that started taking a toll on my body, mind, and relationship with my family and boyfriend. So with the support of my awesome boyfriend who decided that he would help me out by paying my rent so I could be a day time student, I switched my schedule.
     Instead of working full time all the time, school became my main point of focus and I told myself I would work on weekends and days that I didn't have class or clinical. Surprisingly, it worked out pretty well for the most part. Sometimes I did fall short on a couple of bills so I had to ask my boyfriend to help and of course, he did. But now that he has deployed I feel like I need to step it up and make more money than I am so that I don't have to depend on him.
     Our communication is scarce due to where he is going and what he is doing. I get it, it makes sense. But I don't want to worry about when he will deposit the rent money into my account. I'm so desperate to make money that I have joined affiliate websites to try and make commission for selling items. It wouldn't be bad if people would actually buy things, but like me, they are probably pinching pennies. I've picked up available shifts at work that won't interfere with my school. And I'm even pet sitting this holiday weekend.
     I just want to be able to focus on school, make great grades, graduate, and start making better money and helping people. Nothing makes me feel more broke than having $0.03 in my checking account and a fat goose egg in my savings. My credit card is maxed out due to buying gas and school supplies. I just want to stop stressing over finances. Nursing school isn't the problem here, it's my cash flow. 


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