I Want to Explore!

     Recently I found this awesome YouTube channel called Exploring with Josh and it made me realize how many places are out in the world waiting to be discovered. I would love to be able to document different places I explore and learn the history of certain places. His videos are awesome and they make me step back and think about what I want to do in my lifetime. Yea I love being a nurse and I am very proud to have made it through nursing school, but the history and stories about some of these places he goes to is better than any textbook. I need to get over my fear of flying and start saving to go on my own journeys. I love abandoned buildings and finding random old homes in the backwoods down old county roads. Any time I stop in an old store established by generations of family or pass by old barns or homes, I always wonder what the families were like that lived there and how many memories they had made. I also tend to wonder why some places, including whole cities and towns, get abandoned and the people just flee without their belongings.  If you like to explore but can't go on your adventures, I recommend going to his channel. I watch his videos for hours and get so jealous.


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