Planning for My BSN

     The other day I went to Barnes and Noble with the guy I'm currently dating so he could pick up textbooks for his new semester and it made me sad that I was no longer in school. After LPN school I kept telling people it drained me and that it would be too expensive to go back. Plus I feared my anxiety and depression would hold me back. But today I looked at the college site that currently offers the LPN to BSN program I've always wanted to attend and I have decided I will go back and get my Bachelors because that has been my long term career goal for the longest time. Yes, that means more loans, care plans, tears, stress, and hair pulling but I will do it. My plan is to pay off my community college, enroll again, take the placement tests, and knock out the prerequisites I need to apply to the BSN program. My plan after paying off my community college is to ask if I can have Mondays and Wednesdays off or Tuesdays and Thursdays so I can take more than one class to get them done. If my work does not allow me to, I will just take evening classes after work Monday-Thursday and Fridays if I have to. My anxiety has ruled my life and now it is time to end it. I will not let it get in the way of reaching my dreams and goals to be a successful nurse with my Bachelors degree. I'm not eating out or stopping at Starbucks as much because I want to put any extra money I save towards the $700 some dollars I owe to my community college. I have never been more motivated and excited to start school again. I miss taking notes, reading chapters, doing homework, and writing papers. I know, I'm crazy but I love learning and I love learning so why stop here? Being an LPN is great and I have learned so much but I want to continue on my nursing journey and learn more so I can do more. So that's my plan for now. Hopefully all goes well and it works out.


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