Beating the Darkness

     Depression can take a hold of someone and make them feel as though they have no way out but to end their life. People get depressed for different reasons. Some are depressed without even knowing. I knew I was depressed when I started thinking about suicide and ways to do it. Even though I never attempted it, it worried me knowing I was thinking of different ways I could try to do it. The one major thing that kept me alive on this earth was my family and close friends. How would they feel? Who would find me? What else could I have accomplished during my life if I stayed alive? My parents wouldn't see me get married or have children. Everything I worked so hard for would have been useless. That's why I am still here. That's why I share my story more openly now instead of hiding my fights with what I call my "dark place". Losing my close friend at the end of August made me start asking what was so bad that she couldn't have gone to therapy or talked to a close friend such as myself? She was loved by so many and she decided to leave us.
     Throughout life there will be good days and bad days. Most of them days will be good and when you have a bad day, bad week, or bad month, you have to tell yourself that you will make it through whatever life has to throw at you. Life is amazing and full of so many opportunities to accomplish so many things. You need to know that your life is worthy and you are loved. In honor of losing my close friend to her battle with the dark place and myself for winning my battle and helping others fight theirs, I have signed up for a local walk in my area and it would be great if I reached my donation goal to help others find a way out of the darkness. You can donate here. If anyone reading this is battling the same battle or know someone who is, please call the hotline, talk to a friend or therapist, and you can even talk to me. There is always a way out.


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