WTH Am I Doing!

     These last few weeks my emotional eating habits have been extreme. I have gained five plus pounds due to stress and/or habit. I get Dunkin or Starbucks coffee almost every day of the week out of habit. Not only are those drinks loaded with sugar and calories but my wallet isn't appreciating it either. And another thing is the milkshake craze. Almost every night I talk my boyfriend into getting us milkshakes or blizzards from Dairy Queen. What the hell am I thinking? I was doing so well. I started 80 Day Obsession 4 weeks ago and I was loving it. My eating wasn't great but it was better than it had been. And now that has all gone out the window. I have to put my emotional eating to rest. No more coffees every day or milkshakes. Since I've gained all of this weight, I might start going to the gym to do cardio to help jump start losing this fat. Once I tone down I will start 80 Day Obsession over again. I will be weighing in tomorrow morning and taking new body shots. I want to be healthy and look good so bad. I know I can do this. I have to get out of my own head.


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