Weight Loss Rules

     For the last several months I've been trying to lose weight and it has not been going well. I think I have found a partial solution to the problem and that is how I have created this weight loss rule list for myself. The rules are as follows:

  1. Stop comparing myself to others. My fitness and strength level may not be like theirs but I will get there with time.
  2. Stop obsessing over the number on the scale. My clothes are feeling loose but the number isn't changing and it discourages me. From now on I will weight myself on the first and last day of the month.
  3. Watch my sugar intake. I'm addicted to Dunkin and Starbucks coffee but that crap has to stop. Also stop drinking my calories!
  4. Progress and results take time. I was doing workouts and eating fairly clean and would give up after a week because I didn't see drastic results. This weight wasn't gained over night and it will not go away over night either.
  5. Stay away from those who are negative about me making healthier choices.
  6. Focus on my health and fitness goals. 
  7. Move more. Usually after work I eat dinner, shower and go to bed. I need to start a new routine including exercise and stick to it. For now, my goal is to be active for a minimum of 30 minutes 3 times a week. I hope to gradually build up.


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