
Showing posts from October, 2012

Sick of it!

     I've realized over the past few weeks that I am beginning to really hate Facebook. If someone isn't starting pointless drama, another person is insulting someone and telling them to jump off a bridge. Why? I want to know why people feel the need to let the world know what they are doing, when they are doing. And why do people have to be so mean and harsh to one another? Honestly for me, I could less that you're high and drunk and hooking up with 10 guys at once. Another thing I HATE seeing is people that get into relationships and after a week of being together they are so in love. Really? A week to fall in love with one another? And then you wonder why it never works out. Maybe it's because you rush into things. I will admit that some of my posts are pointless just like everyone else, but for the most part my postings are about fundraisers I'm involved in or about college.      It's pretty clear to my readers by now that I have no friends. And the weird t

Processed Foods & My Feelings

     So to pass some time at work since the weather is gloomy and the phone lines are dead, I decided to go on YouTube and watch some documentaries. The first one I watched was the infamous Super Size Me and after I watched Food, Inc . Why did I get the urge to watch this two movies? Well the first factor is how bad the food is for humans now days and how it effects our health. The second is to see how drastic the food industry has changed over the last few decades. The food sizes have become bigger due to animal growth processes and the antibiotics and other chemicals injected into the animals, fruits and veggies. Imagine what all of this is doing to our insides. I now see why cancer is so much more abundant. We eat tons of chemicals everyday and it honestly grosses me out.      Growing up, I did have fast food and I'm not blaming my parents for my weight issues because it was my choice to say I wanted some McDonalds chicken nuggets. However, now days a lot of families are turni

Burnt Out and Ready to Move On

     The phrase "Same shit, different day" couldn't be more true. I am truly starting to see why some people live so recklessly and do some pretty crazy shit. It's because they don't want to live a dull life like 85% of the rest of Americans. It gets so old doing the same routine 5 days a week and my weekends are consisted of nothing but sleeping and cleaning since I have no friends. I wish January wasn't so far away. I have never been more ready for such a big change in my life. Even though I have had no luck finding a part time job that will fit with my school schedule, I will make it through. I have no choice. Nursing school is so important to me. And the best thing that I have gotten out of my community college experience, is the fact that I have NEVER relied on my parents for money to attend.      Paying my own way through college has made me realize that money is no joke and failing is not an option. In the few semesters I attended college, I was probab

Money, Money

     Celebrities and other people who make millions and billions have no idea how lucky they are. They will never have any financial stress unless they completely waste that money and do dumb stuff with it. Most of them though, have more money than they could spend in a lifetime. They have no idea how hard it is for "average" people to make ends meet by working a job or multiple jobs, instead of a great paying career.I do appreciate those celebrities and CEOS who are passionate for certain causes and organizations, especially when they create their own to help people out, like bullying or cancer. But for those celebrities who spend $15,000 on a dress or leave a bar/night club with a $100,000 tab, think about what "average" people could do with that money. To them, that money is nothing, to me and other average joes, that it just like winning the lottery. It must be a great feeling to wake up and not have to stress about how they will pay the light bill or put food o

Happy October 1st!

     Happy October 1st! It is is the month where pumpkins are carved out and placed on porches and hot chocolate is the beverage of choice. There are many things I love about fall, especially in October. The first thing being that the leaves start falling and they are changed from green to really pretty oranges and reds. Another thing I love about it turning colder is the fact that the main rush of tourists are gone. My mothers birthday is this month and also Halloween! Halloween for some people means going all out with decorations and scaring the crap out of people, and for others it just means you can get away with eating as much candy as you please. I choose to do both. Halloween is the one day a year you can become anyone or anything you want and no one can/should judge you! It's all about the fun.      As most of you know, I am very involved in fundraisers and volunteering. I thought I would take the time to remind you all (especially ladies) that October is Breast Cancer Awa