Money, Money

     Celebrities and other people who make millions and billions have no idea how lucky they are. They will never have any financial stress unless they completely waste that money and do dumb stuff with it. Most of them though, have more money than they could spend in a lifetime. They have no idea how hard it is for "average" people to make ends meet by working a job or multiple jobs, instead of a great paying career.I do appreciate those celebrities and CEOS who are passionate for certain causes and organizations, especially when they create their own to help people out, like bullying or cancer. But for those celebrities who spend $15,000 on a dress or leave a bar/night club with a $100,000 tab, think about what "average" people could do with that money. To them, that money is nothing, to me and other average joes, that it just like winning the lottery. It must be a great feeling to wake up and not have to stress about how they will pay the light bill or put food on the table.
     For a 20 year old, I am one stressed out chick. I need $25,000 total for my nursing career (unless prices for tuition and stuff go up, which is likely), I was told yesterday that I need to start looking for a new transmission for my car since mine now is starting to kind of mess up (nothing too serious yet) those can go from $500-$800 depending who you buy from, I also need $1200 for my wisdom teeth removal and I would LOVE to have $700 so I can buy my Canon T3i Rebel Camera, with all accessories included ( Some people ask me why I don't ask my parents for help with these things. Well for starters, they have their own bills and debt and giving me money they could use towards that is not too smart. Secondly, I'm an adult and I accept full responsibility for anything I need financially. I have never been the type of person who depends on others, especially money wise.
     If I had an endless supply of money, for example like winning the big lottery jackpot or became famous somehow, I would pay my bills, make sure my parents were out of debt, give them spending money and some for myself, and then I would donate money to my favorite charities and organizations and I would even build special things for special people with disabilities. I would make sure handicap children had their own playgrounds, the mentally challenged had their own classrooms in schools so no one would make fun of them and so much more. All I hear about in the news is just more celebrity bullshit like who bought the most expensive gold chain or the most expensive car. I guess what I'm trying to say is that celebrities and people with loads of money should think about those who do not have that luxury and they should use their money more wisely. Fans make the celebrities famous and they should have more respect.  


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