Burnt Out and Ready to Move On

     The phrase "Same shit, different day" couldn't be more true. I am truly starting to see why some people live so recklessly and do some pretty crazy shit. It's because they don't want to live a dull life like 85% of the rest of Americans. It gets so old doing the same routine 5 days a week and my weekends are consisted of nothing but sleeping and cleaning since I have no friends. I wish January wasn't so far away. I have never been more ready for such a big change in my life. Even though I have had no luck finding a part time job that will fit with my school schedule, I will make it through. I have no choice. Nursing school is so important to me. And the best thing that I have gotten out of my community college experience, is the fact that I have NEVER relied on my parents for money to attend.
     Paying my own way through college has made me realize that money is no joke and failing is not an option. In the few semesters I attended college, I was probably mean to a few people but I had every right to be. The government wasn't giving me a hand out to attend school and neither were my parents. I was spending my own money earned at my FULL TIME job to pay for my courses. I am counting down the days until I switch my whole routine around and go to school full time and work part time. Yes, I know in this economy it doesn't seem like the right or smart thing to do, but I want too and I have too unless I want to spend 10 years getting my pre-requisites done when they could be done in 1.5 years.
     The one thing I will miss about night classes after work, is the maturity level. Older adults go to school at night and the "omg I just left high school" kids go to college during the day. Since I am paying with my own money, I will be a complete bitch to immature kids in my classes if they try messing up my learning. This is your warning. I value my education, especially since it will help me to complete my career dreams and goals. If you want to be immature and act like high school freshman, please do so elsewhere. College is the time where you need to be more mature and handle your classes.
     I have 2 months and 27 days to get the amount of money I need to attend college full time for 3 semesters. To be completely honest with you and myself, I am no where near my goal. I have more than I expected, but not what I feel comfortable with. I am literally saving every penny and doing "odd" jobs to earn an extra buck like babysitting, mowing grass or anything else someone needs done. Community college is expensive and I couldn't even imagine my costs if I was going to attend a University. All I can do is hope for the best and save.


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