Happy October 1st!

     Happy October 1st! It is is the month where pumpkins are carved out and placed on porches and hot chocolate is the beverage of choice. There are many things I love about fall, especially in October. The first thing being that the leaves start falling and they are changed from green to really pretty oranges and reds. Another thing I love about it turning colder is the fact that the main rush of tourists are gone. My mothers birthday is this month and also Halloween! Halloween for some people means going all out with decorations and scaring the crap out of people, and for others it just means you can get away with eating as much candy as you please. I choose to do both. Halloween is the one day a year you can become anyone or anything you want and no one can/should judge you! It's all about the fun.
     As most of you know, I am very involved in fundraisers and volunteering. I thought I would take the time to remind you all (especially ladies) that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Whether you have had your own battle or scare with the disease or you know friends and family dealing with it, I encourage you to learn something new about the disease, prevention and care and even volunteer for walks or fundraisers! I love spending my free time helping others and it would be great if it rubbed off on more people. Have a great day everyone!


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