Sick of it!

     I've realized over the past few weeks that I am beginning to really hate Facebook. If someone isn't starting pointless drama, another person is insulting someone and telling them to jump off a bridge. Why? I want to know why people feel the need to let the world know what they are doing, when they are doing. And why do people have to be so mean and harsh to one another? Honestly for me, I could less that you're high and drunk and hooking up with 10 guys at once. Another thing I HATE seeing is people that get into relationships and after a week of being together they are so in love. Really? A week to fall in love with one another? And then you wonder why it never works out. Maybe it's because you rush into things. I will admit that some of my posts are pointless just like everyone else, but for the most part my postings are about fundraisers I'm involved in or about college.
     It's pretty clear to my readers by now that I have no friends. And the weird thing is that I'm completely fine with it. I don't need friends to become a successful registered nurse. I don't need friends to be happy. I am perfectly fine doing things alone. I shop alone, read alone, work alone. I do everything alone and no one bothers me. And the best part is that it is stress and drama free. I don't have to worry about hearing about how she hates her because she has the same pair of ear rings or he hates him because he screwed his ex girlfriend. I'm alone and I like it. I'm not saying if you have friends just drop off the face of the earth and never talk to them again. I'm saying if your friends stop being friends with you because your priorities are different, that is the perfect opportunity to focus on you.
     Facebook in my opinion is actually quit stupid if you think about it. Other than being able to communicate with close friends and family far away, what is the point? Exactly. There isn't a point. Everyone gets on there and posts statuses trying to get the most likes and they delete it if it doesn't. People insult one another and hurt peoples feelings. Another thing is the fighting. Everyone is big and bad behind a computer screen but they rarely ever see that person face to face to squash the beef between them. Really, I don't think too many people care if you're having a sleep over, painting your nails or walking your dog. Welcome to everyday life! Nothing new. I am no longer posting things relevant to my personal life on the social media site because I don't care for others knowing what I'm currently doing. Why don't I delete my Facebook? I don't delete it YET because fortunately, I still have family that lives far away who actually message me because they care. And I also try to get my blog and fundraising pages out there so people can read it and be aware of charities going on locally.
     I know that I have written about this topic in the past but I had to write again because it has my blood pressure boiling. I don't understand how human beings can be so mean to others and not even care about how they feel after what they just said to them. You would think parents would have more pride in raising their children and teaching them manners. I'm not saying I'm the nicest person in the world because trust me, I can be a mean bitch, but I don't do it just to do it. I do it when I feel "attacked" or needing to defend myself or loved ones. And back to the topic of "friends", well it's Facebook so everyone is your friend until it comes time to actually meet up in person. Then all the bullshitting starts. Bottom line, if you're not in my life or I don't talk to you, I don't care. I have those that I need and love the most and that is all that matters.


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