Processed Foods & My Feelings

     So to pass some time at work since the weather is gloomy and the phone lines are dead, I decided to go on YouTube and watch some documentaries. The first one I watched was the infamous Super Size Me and after I watched Food, Inc. Why did I get the urge to watch this two movies? Well the first factor is how bad the food is for humans now days and how it effects our health. The second is to see how drastic the food industry has changed over the last few decades. The food sizes have become bigger due to animal growth processes and the antibiotics and other chemicals injected into the animals, fruits and veggies. Imagine what all of this is doing to our insides. I now see why cancer is so much more abundant. We eat tons of chemicals everyday and it honestly grosses me out.
     Growing up, I did have fast food and I'm not blaming my parents for my weight issues because it was my choice to say I wanted some McDonalds chicken nuggets. However, now days a lot of families are turning to fast food sources since their lives have become over run with other activities like work, school programs and other things.  Once in a while would be okay but when a child constantly gets used to eating this rubbish, a parent cannot expect them to choose apples instead of fries or a salad over a double cheeseburger. If someone deliberately keeps feeding themselves and their children this garbage and they become overweight and obese, I do not have any pitty for them because they know the choices they are making can lead to these issues and more. Someone who constantly eats fast food and other foods filled with sugars and cholesterol cannot expect a clean bill of health either.
     Humans need to learn what is really going into their bodies and the  health risks associated with eating fast food and other processed and chemically injected foods. Since watching these movies (which by the way, wasn't the first time I have seen them) it has made me realize what I have really been putting into my body all of these years. Now I'm not saying I will live a completely fast food, chemically processed free life because I won't. I will eat some things that have antibiotics injected in them (chicken) or candies loaded with sugar every now and then. But what I know I will do is keep my children from this crap we call food. My child or children will never eat a happy meal or big kids meal from any fast food restaurant while they are with me. If they are with someone else and they buy them one, it will piss me off but at least I know I didn't buy it. Also when they start driving and doing things on their own, I can only hope they make the right choice and not eat it daily.
     These two movies have made me realize that most foods are composed of tons of antibiotics, chemicals and hormones. Also because there are so many people on this earth, they had to find a way to grow the animals quicker to get a supply of food out to humans so they can eat. I really pay a lot more attention to what I eat now and it is sad that the foods we eat are so bad for us, especially the ones we think are safe like fruits and vegetables. Some tips, always buy local and if something has a label (which most products do) the it is most likely just a bunch of processed junk with tons of sugar. The really scary thing is that in Food, Inc, the chicken farmers would lose their contracts and money if they showed the camera crew what really went on in the chicken houses. It must be really bad if the consumers aren't allowed to see what goes on.
     Here are the YouTube links for both movies if you would like to watch them. You may not want to eat after watching, but it also an eye opener as to what really goes on behind closed doors.


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