
Showing posts from August, 2013

Ways to Make it Through the Work Day

     If you're a college student working full time and going to class part time like me, or if you're just an adult working a nine to five job to make ends meet, we know that the same thing everyday gets old quick. In the morning I dread coming to sit for 7 hours because I feel useless. But I need the money for bills and college, so I have to try and make the best of the situation. I love moving around. Yea I help customers but I don't feel like I do enough. And many people think that sitting at a computer all day means you'll never get bored. Wrong. You can only log onto Facebook, Tumblr, and other sites so many times until you say that you have had enough. So here are my tips for making it through the work day regarding a desk job. Wake up and say it will be a good day or that you will make it a good day.  Try not to think of reasons why you hate the job you have. Make the best of it. At least you have a job to go to in this economy. Do your work. When your done

I Love Learning!

     Years ago in high school, I never would have said that I loved to learn. But now that I'm older and in college taking classes that matter, I love it. And even when I take a class that aren't particularly my favorite, I still pretend to like it just to make the semester go by faster. This semester, I'll be taking Child Psychology. I read on ratemyprofessor that my instructor is an older lady but she is nice and issues one project and one major paper and the quizzes and tests come right out the chapters. Seems easy enough. I have 5 classes left after this one to complete before applying to the nursing program. Time is flying! The only thing I need to kick up a notch is saving money. When I start nursing school, I plan on working as little as possible so that I can focus on my studies and clinical. I'm so proud of how far I've come and it is only the beginning.      As I get ready to start this new fall semester, I kind of get sad that I will never experience &qu

90s Baby with No Baby

     Everywhere I look, there is a pregnant lady or a lady with a baby or babies. When I graduated, there were a few pregnant girls in the mix and some became new mothers after high school. My Facebook news feed is a haven for pregnancies. I do not have an issue with this, but it does make me realize how glad I am not to have a child or children right now. The number one reason that I'm glad I'm not a young mother is finances. I'm not financially capable of raising a child based on my jobs pay or my boyfriends. Even combined, we would not be able to pay our bills and baby bills as well. They are expensive. There is a new study out that says it costs nearly half of a million dollars to raise a child until they are 18. That is money that I just do not have right now. The second reason I'm glad I'm not pushing a stroller is my education. I'm going to college to get a career before even thinking of starting a family. Another thing I've been thinking about lately

New Plan of Action

     Since this is my third time trying to lose weight, I want to be successful and not give up like the last two times. My boyfriend and I have went hiking for 5 Saturdays in a row and I think that is what is motivating me to continue workouts throughout the week. I just purchased a yearly parking pass for the park we hike at so maybe we can also start hiking more than just one day a week. I think I'm off to a good start. Last night my mom and I went for a speed walk around the neighborhood for about 15 minutes. I was also dancing and jogging and then continued to dance one we got home. I haven't had any soda in about week, not even a sip. And I'm trying to choose water as much as possible as my drink of choice. Junk food hasn't really been present, all though it is that time of the month so I'm eating bits of chocolate here and there.      YouTube and Tumblr have been my main motivation sources. I like seeing the progress people make just by making small changes

Be the Change You Wish to See in the World!

     This morning, I read an article about how someone complained to the city about homeless people sleeping on benches in a park. So the city came and removed the benches to eliminate the problem of them sleeping there. How about instead of complaining and having them removed them, you offer a solution? Yes, I know some homeless people are addicted to drugs and have no intentions on ever becoming a citizen who pays taxes and contributes to society. But some of them may want that, they just need help and motivation. With the city having to remove benches because homeless people are sleeping on them should tell them to create some sort of resource center where they can sleep at night and help get their lives back on track. Gandhi's quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world" says it all. I love helping others and doing good things for my community. I wish others would start to get inspired and make this world a better place. I hate seeing young teenagers getting kil

About to Lose My Mind

     With 19 days left until my state test, everything is annoying me. I hate coming to work and sitting here. I hate spending all of my time at work instead practicing. Work really just annoys me in general. I hate not having enough supplies to practice with too. Yesterday at my grandmas house I found a basin, an emesis basin, and a toothbrush just like the ones we used in class. I plan on practicing with those. I get paid this week so maybe I will go to some thrift stores in hopes of finding some more things to use for practice. It would be nice if I could find a mannequin like the one we had in class. 19 isn't a long time and I need to get in as much practice as possible. I really want to pass and leave this desk job so bad! I know I complain about my job all the time, but I'm over it. I'm ready for a change. I'm ready to have a different daily routine.      This morning I paid tuition for my fall semester class. It is on Mondays only, which is kind of nice. I won&#