About to Lose My Mind

     With 19 days left until my state test, everything is annoying me. I hate coming to work and sitting here. I hate spending all of my time at work instead practicing. Work really just annoys me in general. I hate not having enough supplies to practice with too. Yesterday at my grandmas house I found a basin, an emesis basin, and a toothbrush just like the ones we used in class. I plan on practicing with those. I get paid this week so maybe I will go to some thrift stores in hopes of finding some more things to use for practice. It would be nice if I could find a mannequin like the one we had in class. 19 isn't a long time and I need to get in as much practice as possible. I really want to pass and leave this desk job so bad! I know I complain about my job all the time, but I'm over it. I'm ready for a change. I'm ready to have a different daily routine.
     This morning I paid tuition for my fall semester class. It is on Mondays only, which is kind of nice. I won't be overwhelmed with evening classes and traffic after work. Plus I went ahead and ordered my textbook so that I wouldn't have to leave work early to make it to the bookstore on time to get it. Working all day really puts a damper on shit I need to get done like car work, school things, appointments, and other stuff. I really hope I pass my state exam and can get hired part time for a 3-11 shift. Seriously, that will be best thing ever. I would like to work 3-11 on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Then go to school during the day on Monday and Wednesday and have Sunday off as a "rest" day.  19 days and counting!


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