I Love Learning!

     Years ago in high school, I never would have said that I loved to learn. But now that I'm older and in college taking classes that matter, I love it. And even when I take a class that aren't particularly my favorite, I still pretend to like it just to make the semester go by faster. This semester, I'll be taking Child Psychology. I read on ratemyprofessor that my instructor is an older lady but she is nice and issues one project and one major paper and the quizzes and tests come right out the chapters. Seems easy enough. I have 5 classes left after this one to complete before applying to the nursing program. Time is flying! The only thing I need to kick up a notch is saving money. When I start nursing school, I plan on working as little as possible so that I can focus on my studies and clinical. I'm so proud of how far I've come and it is only the beginning.
     As I get ready to start this new fall semester, I kind of get sad that I will never experience "dorm life" like the other people that go to universities do. But the reality is that I could never afford it and I wouldn't want tons of loans to pay back after I eventually graduate. I'm proud to go to community college and others that go there should be too. At least you aren't mooching off of others and doing nothing with your life. If anything, your saving yourself a butt load of money. Everyone should be proud of themselves for continuing their education no matter where they went or go to do it. I get VERY defensive when someone tries to belittle me or someone else for going to community college. Don't worry about me and my education. Worry about yourself. Going to community college doesn't define me as a person or my self worth.
     No matter what, I'm going to work hard to be successful. New opportunities will soon be in my reach.  I'm confident I will pass my nurse aide exam Saturday and I plan on applying that Monday for jobs. Hopefully I can find a job that will allow me to be off on Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday. If not, I'll continue to work my school schedule around my work schedule like I have done the past two years. I will not let anything get in my way of being successful because this desk job is not what I want to do for the rest of my life. Make good choices today people. And remember that you are human just like everyone and no one is perfect.


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