Be the Change You Wish to See in the World!

     This morning, I read an article about how someone complained to the city about homeless people sleeping on benches in a park. So the city came and removed the benches to eliminate the problem of them sleeping there. How about instead of complaining and having them removed them, you offer a solution? Yes, I know some homeless people are addicted to drugs and have no intentions on ever becoming a citizen who pays taxes and contributes to society. But some of them may want that, they just need help and motivation. With the city having to remove benches because homeless people are sleeping on them should tell them to create some sort of resource center where they can sleep at night and help get their lives back on track. Gandhi's quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world" says it all. I love helping others and doing good things for my community. I wish others would start to get inspired and make this world a better place. I hate seeing young teenagers getting killed over drugs or gang related issues. Bullying has gotten out of control too. Litter in some parts of where I live makes me so angry that I want to organize a clean up with volunteers, but sadly, I know no one would help me.
     When I say make this world a better place, I'm not asking you to sign up for the peace core and travel to Africa to end world hunger or anything. I'm asking you to pick up trash when you see it, recycle, give a hand to those in need, and put yourself in someones position. If you were homeless and only had a bench to sleep on every night and it was taken away, how would you feel? Sometimes, I wish that in order to win the lottery you had to write an essay and explain what good deeds you would do with the money if you won. If I won, I would build centers around my region for homeless people to live and learn to get their lives back on track. If they want help with drug and alcohol abuse, I pay for it. I'd also give them money to help get them started in their own homes. I would donate to my favorite charities, donate to more cancer research to help find cures and treatments, start programs to help keep children away from gang activities and drugs. I just want to make a difference and I wish other people would do the same. I can't change my community, let alone the world, by myself. I'm only one person. Today, I ask whoever reads this to do one good thing everyday. It doesn't have to be major just something small like helping an old lady with her groceries or donate to the jar at the grocery register. Happy hump day!


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