Ways to Make it Through the Work Day

     If you're a college student working full time and going to class part time like me, or if you're just an adult working a nine to five job to make ends meet, we know that the same thing everyday gets old quick. In the morning I dread coming to sit for 7 hours because I feel useless. But I need the money for bills and college, so I have to try and make the best of the situation. I love moving around. Yea I help customers but I don't feel like I do enough. And many people think that sitting at a computer all day means you'll never get bored. Wrong. You can only log onto Facebook, Tumblr, and other sites so many times until you say that you have had enough. So here are my tips for making it through the work day regarding a desk job.

  • Wake up and say it will be a good day or that you will make it a good day. 
  • Try not to think of reasons why you hate the job you have. Make the best of it. At least you have a job to go to in this economy.
  • Do your work. When your done with work assigned to you, ask your co-workers or boss if there is anything else you can do.
  • If you're completely bored, CLEAN! Re-organize your desk or clean out the work microwave or refrigerator. It will pass some time.
  • Try not to stress over things involved in your personal life or work life. That never helps and it may make time go by slower.
  • If you get a lunch break, step out of the office and walk somewhere. I usually eat at my desk then go to my car for a nap since I get an hour for lunch.
  • Help out your co-workers. 
  • Play Candy Crush, whether you use the app on your phone or on the computer. Time will fly by.
  • This tip is the most important tip of all; do NOT look at the clock or watch the time on your computer screen. You will learn that one minute will feel like an hour and it will drag the day on longer.

     Hopefully this tips will help you get through the work day/week. They have helped me recently. It's all about controlling your mind and telling yourself not to dread things you need to do. You need this job to pay bills, loans, and put food on the table. Telling yourself you will make today a good day will set your day up for success instead of moping and complaining. Have a great day people!


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