New Plan of Action

     Since this is my third time trying to lose weight, I want to be successful and not give up like the last two times. My boyfriend and I have went hiking for 5 Saturdays in a row and I think that is what is motivating me to continue workouts throughout the week. I just purchased a yearly parking pass for the park we hike at so maybe we can also start hiking more than just one day a week. I think I'm off to a good start. Last night my mom and I went for a speed walk around the neighborhood for about 15 minutes. I was also dancing and jogging and then continued to dance one we got home. I haven't had any soda in about week, not even a sip. And I'm trying to choose water as much as possible as my drink of choice. Junk food hasn't really been present, all though it is that time of the month so I'm eating bits of chocolate here and there.
     YouTube and Tumblr have been my main motivation sources. I like seeing the progress people make just by making small changes like myself. Another motivational source is my boyfriend. He has really changed how he eats and what he drinks. He saves 2 liter water bottles and refills them with water. That is all I have seen him drink for the past month, with the exception of an occasional glass of fruit juice. I'm proud of him. He doesn't see changes in himself but I see them. He looks great and I want to look great too. I feel more confident about losing weight this time around. I'm fighting hard not to eat emotionally due to stressing over my cna exam coming up in 10 days. I want to get it over with and know if I pass or fail. I hate waiting.
     What I'm not doing this time are things I stressed about the first two weight loss attempts. I don't count calories and I don't weigh myself once a week. I just choose healthier foods than what I would normally choose (like baked instead of fried) and my weigh-ins are near the end of each month. I don't stress about the pounds lost or gained because I feel a difference in my body and my confidence and that is what matters. So for those of you reading this that are trying to lose weight or in the process of losing weight, keep it up! No matter how small or big the changes you make are, you're making a change and that is what counts. Cheers to being fit and fabulous :)


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