Leaving the Nest

     Last night, my mom informed me that it is very possible I'll be able to move into my grandmas house and take it over in October. I got a rush of excitement and nervousness at the same time. I've never lived on my own. I'm not the best cook, but I love baking. I'm clean and organized for the most part. I think what makes me most nervous is having to pay bills and making sure they are payed on time. The only bill I pay now is my phone bill and credit card. That's it. No rent, electricity, internet, cable, and so on. Leaving the nest will be a huge adventure for me. I have $98 saved up for things I need to buy. That's not a lot but it is better than nothing. I was hoping to have more time to save and plan renovations but it looks like I'll have to make due until I get the money.
     I made a list of all current bills she pays with my mom since the only bill that I will add is internet. It comes close. I may need to get a part time second job to make sure I am still making enough money to save for each semester. My boyfriend wants to live with me but I have already told him it isn't happening until he has a job. He has been out of work since his wrist surgery and now that his splint is off, he has no excuses and I won't let him mooch off of me. The most exciting part of moving out is buying things for the house. Carpet, couches, painting, decor, and all of that fun stuff. I really hope I can make it on my own.
     This is a bittersweet situation. My grandmas house is fairly little and perfect for a single person or couple. It will teach me to be independent before I buy a house and all of that good stuff. But at the same time, it is sad knowing that my grandma will never step foot in there again and she will most likely pass on in a nursing home. I can only hope that she will be happy I took over her house and made necessary renovations and fixed the things that were needed. I'll always think about her while staying there which is good. She is such a great person. I've always talked about leaving the nest and now that the time may be here, I get the feeling I'm ready but I'm not all at once.


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