Let's Review: Starbucks Caramel Brulee Latte

     One of my favorite things about the holiday season is seeing restaurants and coffee shops offering seasonal inspired foods and beverages. I'm a huge Dunkin Donuts fan. I will drink anything from there but my favorite is the caramel latte, iced in the summer and hot in the winter. So I've debating on trying the Caramel Brulee from Starbucks for a while. I saw it last year but I ended up trying the gingerbread latte instead and hated it. The only things I normally get from Starbucks is an iced caramel macchiato or caramel frappuccino. Two people have been on my case about trying this latte and I did. Here are my thoughts....
     The cup is adorable because it has holiday spirit with stars, snowflakes, and so on. It was very hot so of course I waited a bit for it to cool down. It tasted delicious. The caramel was potent but not over powering and the Grande size was just enough to warm me and give me some energy. The drive thru asked if I wanted an extra shot and I said no. The only down side is the price. Everyone for the most part knows that if you're on a tight budget, not to visit Starbucks. My Grande Latte cost me $5.07 with tax which is $2.29 more than my hot latte at Dunkin and $1.74 more than my cold latte from DD.
     So if your a consistent Starbucks fan and haven't tried it or if you love caramel, I would recommend you to try this latte. I will definitely repurchase it when I go again before the season is over. On a scale of 1-5, I give this product a 4 because of the price. I'm leaving the link to the Starbuck's website because they have some gift offers for those of you looking to buy someone something from there. If you have anything in mind that you think I should try let me know :)



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