
Showing posts from January, 2017

My Tips on Dealing with Anxiety During Nursing School

    Anxiety is one of the worst feelings in the world. Just remember to breathe, get things done early so you can be ahead, and if your anxiety interferes with your daily life, please seek help.

Facebook Detox Follow Up

     Recently I went one week without looking at Facebook. I completely deleted the app from my phone and it made me realize a few things. The first thing I noticed right away was the amount of data I saved. My work has wifi but I don't know the code so when I was scrolling through my feed on my lunch break or down time, I wasting a lot of my data. All week I was able to use that spare data to listen to Pandora to and from work. The second thing I realized was the urge to check my newsfeed. After the second day of deleting the app, I had no desire to even wonder what I was missing from my feed. I knew deep down it would be the same political posts and memes, people wanting pity for their lives, and the same people complaining about something no one cares about. The last thing I noticed was how happy and stress free I was. I didn't have to look at memes or long rants that pissed me off or made me want to scream.Today when I installed the app and logged in. I realized I didn'

One Week Facebook Detox

     Today I have decided that I will be logging out of Facebook and deleting the app from my phone for a week. There is so much political racist garbage on my feed it is sad. I am also sick and tired of seeing the same people seeking pity from others because they choose to live a shit life.No one can change things for you but yourself. Stop blaming every one for the way your life has turned out. You control your life. I have tried to leave Facebook behind in the past but ended up using it again to communicate with my boyfriend when he was out at sea. Now that he is home, I feel like I can actually go one week without my news feed and see where it takes me. I'm hoping to leave Facebook behind for a year at some point because we all know I love challenging myself. I am going to keep track of things I get accomplished since I won't be wasting time scrolling through a pointless news feed.

Already Slacking Off....

     Here we are two days into the new year and I have already missed a workout. My anxiety has been super high lately and I do not understand why. I'm happy with my life. I have a great job, my bills are paid, and I'm slowly changing my eating habits like I've been wanting too. I had a mound of laundry to complete today and tons of dishes in the sink so I tackled those today. It's not like I was completely stagnant today not doing anything, but I know I would feel better and more accomplished if I would of completed a workout. Tomorrow is another day and I will workout after work. I have to get back in the mindset that if I don't make changes and work hard to see results, then no changes will be made and my goals will be a waste.

My 2017 Weight Loss Plans

     Today I didn't work out like I should of but I blame the weather. It was wet and nasty out plus my roof started leaking and I also tackled my mound of laundry and dishes in the kitchen. First slack day of the year....I need more ideas to help keep myself motivated!