One Week Facebook Detox

     Today I have decided that I will be logging out of Facebook and deleting the app from my phone for a week. There is so much political racist garbage on my feed it is sad. I am also sick and tired of seeing the same people seeking pity from others because they choose to live a shit life.No one can change things for you but yourself. Stop blaming every one for the way your life has turned out. You control your life. I have tried to leave Facebook behind in the past but ended up using it again to communicate with my boyfriend when he was out at sea. Now that he is home, I feel like I can actually go one week without my news feed and see where it takes me. I'm hoping to leave Facebook behind for a year at some point because we all know I love challenging myself. I am going to keep track of things I get accomplished since I won't be wasting time scrolling through a pointless news feed.


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