Feeling Miserable

     When I first got dumped I put on this front like I'm okay but in reality I'm not. I was drinking alcohol like a fish, taking Xanax when I didn't need it, and I was seeking attention from guys for all of the wrong reasons. I'm miserable. I feel like no one wants me and I'm going to die alone. All I do is work and to occupy my time and mind I've been trying to find another part time job just so I can be around people and feel less pathetic. It completely sucks when you love someone and give them your all and then they just leave you like you never mattered or even existed in their life. The truth of the matter is that I'm not ready to move on or meet guys. I don't even want a booty call. I want to share life with someone and build memories. I want to get married some day and have kids. At this point in my life, which is a really low point, I feel like none of that will ever happen because no one wants me. I'm depressed but I haven't resorted back to Xanax and drinking. Instead I cry myself to sleep or watch chick flicks and wish I had love like they have, even though it is just a movie. Loneliness is a horrible feeling. I miss having someone to come home to and cook for or do their laundry. The old saying time heals everything keeps getting repeated in my head but I keep wondering how long. This break up happened in February and I keep thinking about things I should of said or possibly done to change things. I also start overthinking like what if he never loved me since he just left the way he did. Was I ever good enough? Was I just an excuse for him not to live on a ship? I really want to put all of this behind me but it is so hard because I truly loved him. Time needs to hurry up and heal me so I can move on with life. I want to be done dwelling over things I know that I cannot change. What's done is done, it is what it is.


  1. Smile, think positive! Take the negativity and put that in a box and lock it up and toss it overboard. Your prince will come when you least expect it and will enjoy all your great qualities and the love that you have.

    1. Thank you so much! I am trying. Each day is getting easier for me :)


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