Life Keeps Throwing Curve Balls

     Last week I was put on Lexapro to help control my panic attacks and depression. I already feel better in that department. At my Neuro visit last week he wanted me to get my blood drawn which included a CBC, liver function panel, and a smooth muscle antibody. Everything came back great except for my CBC. My MPV was high (13) which can indicate I'm fighting an autoimmune disorder or maybe my medication just elevates it, which is what I'm hoping for. Also my monos were elevated which indicates I could be fighting an infection. After work I dropped off a copy of my results to his office so hopefully I can get an appointment to talk with him. I'm hoping this is nothing serious. It just seems like as soon as I start getting better, something in my life happens and screws everything up.


  1. How did you make out? Hope all is good and that your health is good.

    1. My doctor never called regarding my results so I'm assuming everything is okay. I am feeling 100% better with the Lexapro!


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