The Purge

     Since a new year has started and it has been a year and some change since losing my father, I decided it was time to get my life back on track. I started thoroughly going through each room in my house and donating or throwing away items that I no longer need or use. It feels great. It is also a good feeling finding places for my dads things where I can still see them and think of our memories. Last year I kept a lot of his things hidden because I didn't want to think of him being gone. I'm slowly coming around and realizing that although he is gone here on earth, he is always going to be in my heart. I never realized how much junk I had and I also didn't realize how cluttered and unorganized I had become in the last year. The only thing left to do is put my new computer desk together and clean out what is in my current desk. It feels good to finally start being myself again and getting my life in order.


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