House Shopping

     I recently found out how much I'm approved for in order to buy my first home and it is overwhelming. It is stressful trying to find a good location with plenty of yard room for my fathers boat and truck. I'm happy to see that a lot of the homes I'm looking at currently have white kitchens which I love because I think it makes the kitchen look bright and welcoming. Plus it will go with my yellow pain theme with pineapples. I don't have an immense about of debt but I thought with my student loans and car payment it would cause me to qualify for a low amount. I was wrong. All of the homes I've seen online are more than enough for my first starter home and some are even under my allotted budget! This Saturday my mom is going with me to look at a few homes and see what they have to offer. Leaving my fathers home behind which is also my childhood home will be hard, but I think my dad would be proud of me for making the first step in making a "big girl" purchase of my first home.


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