
Showing posts from March, 2012

Small changes

First off, I know it is hard. Saying ” I’m going on a diet” is easier said than done. For the new year 2012, My resolution was to lose weight. I didn’t want to lose it super quick because I knew with work and school, it wouldn’t happen. I made slow, day to day changes and I think it is working well for me and i hope it works for you. The very first thing I did was eliminate all sodas and fast food. After the first couple weeks, I felt like a new person. I had more energy, felt healthier and saved money. I fought the urges by telling myself how bad it was for me and what it would do to my body and heart. Exercising is something I rarely have enough time for but I try to do it as much as possible. I made simple changes to my habits. I work in an office so every hour, I try to walk around the building and be mobile. I also started parking further from the door at stores. Walking is very beneficial to your heart and health. A year ago, I put an elliptical on layway. After s


There are two websites I use to make money and receive awards. The first website is called You get a dollar just for signing up. If you check in everyday, you get three cents and if you check in for the whole month you will get fifty cents. The surveys range in price from $0.50 to $0.80. I know what your thinking....That's it? Yes that is it but it adds up. Plus if you shop on websites like iTunes or Walmart, you get a percentage of money that you spend back. Just make sure you sign in to your cash crate account and click the shopping tab.You also get money for watching the videos they choose for you. Just click the videos tab. I would NOT recommend that you sign up for offers because they will blow your email up. The minimum amount of money you must reach is $20 before they send you a check. The more referrals you send, the more money you can make and your check will come at a sooner date. Here is the link: The other website I use is

Nail Polish Strips

            A few months ago I ordered some nail polish strips. I had never tried them before and I started to see them everywhere. So when they finally came in the mail, I was skeptical. The ones I tried were supposed to last for up to ten days. After a month, they were still on so I finally decided to remove them myself.             First thing first. You must purchase a pattern or color you like. I bought mine offline but Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid and Five Below sell them as well. When you get home, you will want to clean your nails and make sure all other polishes are removed. After you have removed all lasting nail polish from your nails, you will open your nail strip package up.             Once the package is open, you will take the nail polish strip off the sticker sheet that they are attached to. My stickers came with a few different sizes, so pick the ones that fit your nails best. You will stick the rounded part by your cuticle, and the squared edge will be near your

Why I chose to make a blog and vlog

College is very expensive. Luckily for my first semester I received some financial aid and didn't have to pay out of pocket. Nursing school on the other hand is expensive.You're probably thinking why not just get a loan? Well if I got a loan for that amount of money, I would end up paying way more than the original amount with interest. I turned to blogging and vlogging to make some extra money to put into my savings towards school.Unfortunately, my parents didn't set up a fund when I was a baby. That is why I am in this situation. I am not mad at them for it because it has taught me a lot of financial responsibility. I want to save as much as I can for nursing school while I'm in community college getting my prerequisites done so I can pay as much as I can out of pocket. The more I pay out of pocket, the smaller the loan amount I will have to get and eventually pay back.


Dieting for the last couple of years has been hard for me. I am an emotional eater, whether I'm sad or happy, I like to eat. For my 2012 resolutions, the main one was to lose weight. I need to lose about 30 pounds to be at my goal weight for my height and age. I started off strong at the beginning of this year. But I started college part time and I'm working full time. Can you say stress overload? My eating was out of control. I stopped at any fast food place when I was hungry. After a few weeks of eating nothing but unhealthy food and drinks, I decided it was time for a major change. The very first thing I did was eliminate soda (including diet) and all fast foods and junk foods. Then I told myself I had to drink more water. Water to me is very plain so I buy low calorie flavor packets. I am also a big fan of Diet Lipton Green Tea Mixed Berry. If I'm in a hurry and stop at 7-11 I pick up baked or kettle cooked chips, not regular potato chips. About a year ago I bought an e

Earning more money

These may seem like no brainers, but I'm doing some things to make extra money for nursing school and I thought I would share: Recycling aluminum cans. It may take a lot just to earn a buck, but I'm also helping out mother earth I try to have a yard sale once or twice a year. Whatever I don't sell, I donate If old yard sale items are Craigslist/Ebay worthy, I go to those sites before donating Youtube channel. Sign up with Google Adsense to make some extra money.  If you have gently used name brand clothing, try Plato's Closet (if you have one in your area). They pay on the spot for your used clothes Online surveys. I have made a good amount since I started taking them. Read reviews on the sites you choose just to be completely sure they aren't scams Of course those arent all the ways to make an extra dollar, but those are ones I have tried so far. You could also sell old electronics on websites that buy them. Have bake sales, babysit/petsit, car washes, and o


I have started a March of Dimes profile and I just recently joined a team for the cause. We almost have $1,000 raised. I really wish other people would donate or do charities. I try to always be involved in some kind of fundraiser to help people. Like right now, I'm doing March of Dimes, and also on May 26th I will be cutting my hair for Locks of Love. After I cut my hair for that foundation, I plan to regrow it and then donate it to Wigs for Kids. I have also participated in a fundraiser for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and Relay for Life. Each year right before Christmas, my mom and I collect winter items for the local homeless. All I want is for others in this country and in the world is for people to have more compassion for helping others who are less fortunate. Next time you wake up and complain because you have to go to work or school, think about families, adults and other children who don't have the privilege of going to school and getting an education or goin