Small changes

First off, I know it is hard. Saying ” I’m going on a diet” is easier said than done. For the new year 2012, My resolution was to lose weight. I didn’t want to lose it super quick because I knew with work and school, it wouldn’t happen. I made slow, day to day changes and I think it is working well for me and i hope it works for you.
The very first thing I did was eliminate all sodas and fast food. After the first couple weeks, I felt like a new person. I had more energy, felt healthier and saved money. I fought the urges by telling myself how bad it was for me and what it would do to my body and heart.
Exercising is something I rarely have enough time for but I try to do it as much as possible. I made simple changes to my habits. I work in an office so every hour, I try to walk around the building and be mobile. I also started parking further from the door at stores. Walking is very beneficial to your heart and health. A year ago, I put an elliptical on layway. After school I stretch a little bit, then jump on it. Even if it is just 20 minutes, I know I at least burned off some of the food I ate.
Since the weather is getting warmer, I ride my bike anytime I can, Which also saves gas and the environment. Roller skating is a fun way to work your body too. For those of you with dogs, taking a walk with them around your neighborhood or the dog park can be easy exercise for you as well. Running with your four legged friend, playing fetch, anything that makes you move.
The key to losing weight in my opinion, is movement. If you eat a meal and then lay down or sit and watch tv, that is doing nothing for you. Get up and move. Cleaning house, mowing the grass, watering flowers. Something is better than nothing. Now that I am on this healthy kick, I am trying to inspire others as well.
Another key factor in dieting is watching what you put in your mouth. All natural products are way better for you than processed and filler enriched products. White bread is a culprit. Try 100 whole wheat or honey wheat. Fruits and veggies are always a good source of vitamins and most have few calories depending on the serving size. I went to Walmart the other night and bought tons of fruits and other low calorie snacks to bring with me to lunch.
Realistic goals is another important staple when it comes to losing weight. Don’t set your self up with failure. Tell yourself by the end of the month you want to lose at least 5-7 pounds. You will most likely exceed that and you will feel great about it and have the will power to do more. If you say you want to lose a big amount of weight or drop like 5 dress/pant sizes, you will feel angered and mad that you didn’t.


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