Why I chose to make a blog and vlog

College is very expensive. Luckily for my first semester I received some financial aid and didn't have to pay out of pocket. Nursing school on the other hand is expensive.You're probably thinking why not just get a loan? Well if I got a loan for that amount of money, I would end up paying way more than the original amount with interest. I turned to blogging and vlogging to make some extra money to put into my savings towards school.Unfortunately, my parents didn't set up a fund when I was a baby. That is why I am in this situation. I am not mad at them for it because it has taught me a lot of financial responsibility. I want to save as much as I can for nursing school while I'm in community college getting my prerequisites done so I can pay as much as I can out of pocket. The more I pay out of pocket, the smaller the loan amount I will have to get and eventually pay back.


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