
Showing posts from August, 2012

Save Save Save

          Nursing school is obviously going to be very expensive. But I also need thousands of dollars just to take the co-requisites I have to have just to apply to the program. When I tell people I'm saving every penny, I mean it. Literally, I'm saving every coin and bill I get to go towards school. My biggest goal is to pay completely out of pocket for school or at least as much as possible, that way I don't have to get a loan and if I do, it will be a small one. You're probably wondering why I don't file a FAFSA and get pell grants and such. Well since my I "make to much" money, I only get about $300 from the government and that $300 will only be applied to my costs if I'm enrolled full time, which I can't since I work full time.            My biggest tip for saving is to make sure that school is your priority, not shopping or just wasting money on other things you don't have to have. I have cut way back on my compulsive shopping habits s

Back to school

Class last night went well. There are only 13 people in my math class. The thing that really sucks it that the class I'm re-taking is taught with a different curriculum this semester so I had to buy a new access code to use the e-book online. It was $122.85. I find that a bit ridiculous. I know I'm buying the book (technically) but it's all online and if I print papers out, that is my money being used not theirs. Anyways, I am going to study my butt off so that I don't have to re-take this course AGAIN. The good thing is that these essential classes don't go towards my GPA so I still have a 3.0 :)

The Good & Bad Things About Community College

Even though I'm only going to be starting my second semester, I have already thought of a few things that make community college better than a University. But don't get me wrong, there are some things that just won't measure up to the actual college "experience" that you would get by going to a University. The Good: Flexible Schedules. They offer Days, Nights and Weekends The cost. You can spend $30,000 on your entire education plus your degree, instead of a University where just one year will cost that much or more You can pay as you go. You don't need to have all of your tuition before your start classes. Every time I mention that I am the one paying for my education all by myself, it makes me feel AWESOME. If you go to a local community college, you will know your way around since your a local and there will most likely be people you know in your classes as well The Bad: No dorms or parties, so you won't get that actual college "exp

I'm Mad At Myself

I'm very angry at the fact that I've wasted almost 3 years of my life working all the time instead of going to school full time like I wanted. I just found out I have a whole entire list of classes I have to take before I even want to consider applying to nursing school. This is a total set back! I know I have wrote about this before and complained how I want to act like a 20 year old instead of a 40 year old, but damn! Each semester I waste all of this time taking ONE class instead of taking like 4-6 classes to go towards nursing school. This sucks and I'm so mad I want to cry. I don't need to work full time and make the money I'm making (although it is very nice to have extra money to buy whatever I want). I should be focused on school and making good grades so that I can get accepted into nursing and start learning all of the hands on stuff. I guess I'm angry for wasting time and money and not acting like a typical 20 year old, who just goes to school and wor

Cans for College

I started collecting aluminum cans months ago in an effort to get more money for my college education. Some people laugh at me but I don't really care. At least I'm helping to clean mother earth and earn some extra cash. Of course, the prices vary per pound in each state, but if you make a good effort to collect a lot, it can amount to a lot of money into your pocket. With this came my idea to help other people who want to further their education who can't afford it. The charity would be named Cans for College and there would be drop off sites for people to donate their cans. Then after the cans were turned in for money, the money would be given to people who need it. There is nothing more frustrating than when someone wants to go to college and cannot go because it is too expensive and they cannot afford it. I hope one day I can make this charitable dream a reality. Trust me, I'm in this boat now. I would love to have experienced the dorm life and have money my parents

What is the point of having a Facebook?

I ponder this question everyday. The original "purpose" was so that people could reconnect with friends and family and stay in touch. All I ever see on my Facebook feed is bitching, complaining, drama, how high/drunk people are and so on. The way I see it, if someone was really my friend, they would call, text and hang out with me on a regular basis, not like some of my pictures and statuses, say they want to chill, and then bullshit me. I post articles and fundraisers that I find interesting, I don't tag my toilet in a status while I'm using the bathroom. I think this whole social media thing has gotten out of hand. It is stupid. People that are neighbors won't walk outside to talk to each other but they will have full conversations on Facebook statuses. My point is that if people really cared about what went on in my life, they would be involved in my life face to face with me, not on my Facebook. I don't think people who could care less about me deserve to

Goals for August

The other day when I stepped on the scale, I weighed in at 151 lbs. I'm not complaining because this is the first time I've actually been getting results from eating better and exercising more. I have noticed that my portion control and self control are a lot better and stronger. I don't get tempted by sweets like I used to every other time I tried to lose weight. I've been mixing up exercise routines just because riding my elliptical got very boring. I ride my bike or walk around the neighborhood.  My new goals for August are as follows: Weigh in a 143 lbs at the end of the month Save more money for nursing school Make a good grade in Chemistry class Encourage someone to make a healthier eating choice.